Typically, the UK State report is first examined by the relevant expert Committee of the treaty
Reporting Cycle for CoE Oversight Bodies
The Committee’s evaluation of the UK’s human rights performance is transferred to the Committee of Ministers, a political body on which representatives of the UK and other CoE Member States sit
The Committee of Ministers discusses the report and adopts recommendations which the UK should implement in order to improve its performance under the treaty
The European Committee of Social Rights examines the reports and adopts conclusions on whether the situation in the UK is in compliance with the Charter
The Governmental Committee is composed of representatives of the States signed up to the European Social Charter and it is tasked with preparing the work of the Committee of Ministers. The Governmental Committee considers the UK State report and the conclusions of the European Committee of Social Rights. The Governmental Committee will then present a report to the Committee of Ministers, which may include proposals for recommendations to the UK
The Committee of Ministers reviews the reports of the European Committee of Social Rights and the Governmental Committee and closes each supervision cycle by adopting a resolution and issues recommendations, requesting the UK to bring national practice into conformity with the Charter
The ComEx examines the State report and organises an “on-the-spot” visit to the country, to meet authorities, the national human rights institutions and non-governmental organisations to evaluate the application of the Charter. It also examines additional information sent to it by organisations
The ComEx prepares an evaluation report including proposals for recommendations, which it provides to the Committee of Ministers
The Committee of Ministers reviews the report of ComEx and closes the review cycle by adopting an evaluation report and a resolution with recommendations on what further measures the UK should take to bring national practice into conformity with the charter
The Advisory Committee examines the State report as well as information received from national human rights institutions and other organisations. The Advisory Committee often carries out regular country-visits
The Advisory Committee adopts an Opinion, which is transmitted to the UK and the Committee of Ministers. The UK and other countries can comment on the Opinion within four months. The Opinion is made public four months after transmission
After the Opinion is adopted, the Committee of Ministers passes a Resolution containing conclusions and recommendations, which is published
If GRETA considers it necessary, it may also request information from national human rights institutions and civil society and/or organise country visits in order to obtain more information
GRETA will review all the information received and adopt a report, which is transmitted to the UK for comments. When the comments have been received, GRETA will prepare its final report and conclusions which will be sent at the same time to the UK and Committee of Parties. GRETA’s final report together with the UK’s comments will be made public and is not subject to modification by the Committee of the Parties
The Committee of the Parties is composed of the representatives on the Committee of Ministers that are party to the Convention and other countries that have ratified the treaty. It will, on the basis of the report and conclusions of GRETA, make recommendations to the UK concerning the measures to be taken as a follow-up to GRETA’s Report. This may involve the UK submitting information on implementation of the recommendations prior to the next periodic review