Ensuring everyone enjoys equal access to statutory curriculum and services
Education and Training
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Allocating adequate funding to support an effective education system
Taking positive measures to facilitate better access to education for vulnerable and marginalised groups
Without discrimination
Funded to the maximum of available resources
Focused on better facilitating this right for the most vulnerable and marginalised groups
- Right to an education
- CoE ECHR, Prot 1 Art 2
- UN CERD, Art 5
- UN ICESCR, Art 13
- UN CEDAW, Art 10
- UN CRC, Art 28
- UN CRPD, Art 24
- Right to parental choice
- CoE ECHR, Prot 1 Art 2
- Right to education that develops the whole person and develops respect for human rights
- UN CRC, Art 29
- Right of children to participate in decisions affecting them
- UN CRC, Art 12
- Right to work (including a duty to provide training programmes)
- UN ICESCR, Art 6
- Protocol Article 2
- Annex 1 Equality Directives
- Race Equality Directive 2000/43/EC
- Framework Equality Directive 2000/78/EC - equal treatment in employment and occupation framework irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation
- Recast Equal Treatment (Employment) Directive 2006/54/EC - on grounds of gender
- Other Relevant EU Measures
- A list of measures identified so far is available in the Appendix to the NIHRC-ECNI Working Paper on the Scope of Protocol Article 2.
- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Articles 14, 21, 24, 26, 32
- Annex 1 Equality Directives